Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Steve Burgard’s Report on Attendence for Picnic

Hey Friends,

This is where {I think] we are as of today. First, the latest count for Saturday, noting a number of these appear not to have sent money to the school. This and Theo's note on internet-it-in party payment hitch suggest we collect at the picnic from those who didn't or couldn't send in.

Theo Armour
Steve Burgard
George Deptula
Bob Krim
Fred Lappin
Peter McManmon
Tony Morse
Neil Morse
Larry Schell  (has to leave early)
Allen Schiller
Jeff Rudman
Don Matson

Lenore wrote the other day she thinks about 6 from Buckingham.

Some of the above will have family or significant others.

Alex Field is possible, but I think unlikely.

Bruce Singal seem likely to me, assuming free that day. I have a call into his office.

(Mike Chamberlain will be there Friday only)

Other "friends of the class" who have indicated they want to be there: Nancy Waring, Cynthia Chace, Fran Atherton, maybe a few more:  These three have Buckingham connections but are not '66.

The bluegrass band is still a go for 2-4. Nobody has told me it's a bad idea to go forward. I would pay a kill fee at this point.

Helen is down to work child activities from 1-4. We expect Bob K to pay for this. Allen has Jeff lined up.

 regrets from:

Ben Bradlee
Ed Minot
Mike Bucavalas
Jack Mac
Jock Holden
David Kennard
Paul Ingraham
Steve Short

(I eventually am going to share some of what the above folks have written or said in phone calls. Most are really sorry they can't be there)

Outreach from me, but haven't heard from:

David Demaine
Tom Kensler
Andy Schlesinger
Bruce Merrill

Some others we need to hear from or talk with:

John Rowe  (Paul Ingraham was going to contact him for us)
Ned Griffin
Ned Grandin (work phone doesn't work)

The school will now have the above info too.

Cheers, Steve

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