New Bios
Page for Allen Schiller added with picture. Picture added to Mike Bucuvalas bio.
Good news: We received a comment at last - from Neil. Yippee! Bad news: We still have work to do...
Anyway, here's a link to where you can go for help: the Dashboard.
New Pages
Added initial version of the Directory - telephone & email page. This will be to help you get in touch with people quickly. You could even print this list if you are a PAPERazzi. Later I hope that everybody will have their own personal details page - with names of significant others, children, goldfish, etc.
I know there are some people people missing from the list. Your mission - should you care accept it - is to tell me who they are...
I have numbers and email for a lot of classmates. I will add these in the next few days. Once I've done the ones I have, I will ask you to add the missing ones you know about.
Coming Up
I've got another twenty pages of stuff to be scanned.
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